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15 Photos showing our Recycling Network in Action

Andy Teale

At Eco Brixs, we're working to tackle the plastic problem in Uganda. We do this in a number of ways, from running education programmes to recycling plastic waste into Eco-Products.

Theses initiatives are all built upon the foundation of our Community Recycling Network.

Below are fifteen images highlighting how this system works and how it will gradually allow Uganda to cope with the sheer quantity of plastic waste it faces - where 600 tonnes are discarded unsustainably every day.


In Uganda, it's common to see rubbish and plastic waste everywhere you go, from litter left in the streets, to large quantities being dump in the countryside.

Sadly, this is due to insufficient waste management systems and infrastructure, which often results in the waste being burned or put into landfill.

Eco Brixs HQ where we buy plastic from the community and then recycle it

To help tackle this widespread problem, Eco Brixs offers an alternative - the community can bring their plastic waste to us and we'll recycle it.

An Eco Brixs Community Recycling Centre which buys plastic from our beneficiaries

Like the site pictured above, the community can bring their plastic waste to one of our many Community Recycling Centres spread across the district.

We position these in busy community-hubs, such as markets and churches, so they are easily accessible.

Children in Uganda collecting plastic waste in bags which can be exchanged for cash
Photo Credit: @theglasspassport

Furthermore, to simultaneously help tackle the issue of widespread poverty in Uganda (as well as to provide an incentive for people to bring us their plastic), we pay for the plastic brought to us.

So far, this system has meant we've been able to create thousands of income opportunities throughout the community.

The reasons for collecting plastic vary across our beneficiaries - from children saving to pay school fees, to helping families keep a roof over their heads. Some entrepreneurial types have even made waste-collecting their full-time jobs!

A bag of plastic waste being weighed at an Eco Brixs Community Recycling Centre

It's a simple process: our beneficiaries bring the bagged up plastic to one of our sites, and then the Community Recycling Manager weighs it on scales.

In return, the beneficiary is paid by the kilogram for plastic waste.

An Eco Brixs Community Recycling Centre with several tonnes of plastic ready to be recycled
Photo Credit: @theglasspassport

Once the Community Recycling Centre collects enough plastic, which can often equal many tonnes, we then need to transport it to Eco Brixs HQ where it can be recycled...

The Eco Brixs truck collecting bags of plastic waste from its Community Recycling Centres
Photo Credit: @theglasspassport

The Eco Brixs truck will arrive to collect the plastic from the centre...

The Eco Brixs truck loaded up with bags of plastic waste ready to be recycled at Eco Brixs HQ
Photo Credit: @theglasspassport take it back to Eco Brixs HQ...

The Eco Brixs team sorting plastic by its colour and type so it can be recycled
Photo Credit: @theglasspassport

...where it will then be sorted by colour and type of plastic.

The Eco Brixs team bailing plastic waste so it can be recycled into new products

Then, we use our machines to recycle plastic to create...

...our Eco-Products!

By recycling the plastic waste we receive into new items, it means the waste can be given a new, meaningful purpose.

Plus, by selling these products, it allows us to generate revenue to fund the Community Recycling Network and in turn pay more people for the plastic they bring to us!

This is our Community Recycling Network in action.

Ton by ton, working alongside our beneficiaries, it's how we're working to solve the plastic problem in Uganda.

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